Why we need to conserve insects

As Prof E.O. Wilson rightly said, insects are “the little things that run the world”. Insects are the unsung heroes of our ecosystem, playing critical roles in pollination, waste decomposition, nutrient recycling, and as a crucial food source for many animals. They are also the predators of many pest species. Burrowing insects like ants, termites and beetles are called ecosystem engineers as they maintain soil health through their underground activities. They are good indicators of environmental health and ecological integrity as changes in insect populations can signal shifts in habitat quality, pollution levels, climate change impacts, and other ecological disturbances. Unfortunately, insect populations worldwide are facing unprecedented threats due to habitat loss, climate change, rampant use of pesticides, and other human-induced factors.

Mitrakida Foundation is working tirelessly to protect these invaluable creatures and the ecosystems they inhabit. Through innovative research projects, advisory services related to insects, conservation initiatives and community outreach, the foundation is making significant strides in understanding insect biodiversity and promoting sustainable practices to safeguard their habitats. Through research and conservation efforts, we aim to preserve the vital role insects play in ecosystems and promote their well-being worldwide.


Join us in supporting Mitrakida Foundation for Insect Research and Conservation, section 8 (Non-Profit company). We gratefully accept donations, both monetary and in-kind, from individuals, corporations, and grant-making organizations who share our vision and commitment to preserve pollinators and other insects. Insects like bees, butterflies and other insects are essential for ecosystem health and food production. Your donation ensures their habitats are preserved, and research is conducted to address threats like habitat loss and pesticide use. Together, we can safeguard these invaluable creatures for future generations.

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